Dynamic Heights


I recently attended a networking event in the city of Manchester and met some interesting people. They were also all in very interesting businesses. I will be following up on some contacts made to explore insights, ideas and interests. Think I will be attending much more in the near future.

Often our confidence starts with how we think about our selves and a given situation, then it tends to focus on how we feel about it, then our actions lead from there.  The more we apply a positive view in our minds of a situation we are about to go into the better it makes […]

This workshop was all about life balance and staying focused and positive, providing practical advice on how to get there. The workshop assisted participants to value themselves in a way which supports their vision and goals in life. The feedback from the attendees has been excellent. Follow this blog to find out when our next workshop will […]

This workshop was all about life balance and staying focused and positive, providing practical advice on how to get there. The workshop assisted participants to value themselves in a way which supports their vision and goals in life. The feedback from the attendees has been excellent. Follow this blog to find out when our next workshop will […]

Confidence & Motivational Development/ Interview & Presentation Skills Training Workshop Dynamic Heights is delivering the above course in Manchester to support young people to develop confidence for the next job interview.  The course is taking place over a six week programme and assists participants to increase their personal impact, make themselves feel more valuable and […]

Confidence & Motivational Development/ Interview & Presentation Skills Training Workshop Dynamic Heights is delivering the above course in Manchester to support young people to develop confidence for the next job interview.  The course is taking place over a six week programme and assists participants to increase their personal impact, make themselves feel more valuable and […]