Dynamic Heights

Runner up Award

Its is a good feeling to receive a runners up award for Entrepreneur recently and attend a gala event at the Manchester Hilton.  A spectacular evening of entertainment and fun.  It is truly an honour to be recognised by someone unknown to you, who appreciates who you are and what you do! it makes me want to do more of it myself for others who shine in my life too!  Are we looking for those people in your live that you too could give an award to.  Who in your life right know deserves recognition? deserves to be told how much of a good influence they are in your life.  What impact they have and contribute so much to in your personal growth.  What can you do to show your appreciation for them? have a good think and then maybe the next best thing is to act on it!!!! it may make someone smile!! and how nice can that be?

pic from awards (2)